SKILL 59: DISTINGUISH LIKE, ALIKE, UNLIKE AND DISLIKE Unlike can be used as a preposition, adjective or a verb. It means different from or not liking (when used as a verb). Alike can be used both as an adjective and an adverb and means similar. GRAMMAR -MEANING -USE Like adjective similar as an adjective, like is used before a noun Alike adjective similar as an adjective, alike is used after a linking verb. Like preposition similar both prepositions are followed by objects. they can both be used. Unlike preposition different in many positions, including at the beginning of the sentence. Like verb enjoy both verbs follow subjects dislike verb not enjoy. To get more information watch the next video:
SKILL 5: FIND PRONOUN REFERENTS HOW TO IDENTIFY THE QUESTION The pronoun ... in line x refers to which of the following? WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER The line where the pronoun is located is generally given in the question. the noun that the pronoun refers to is generally found before the pronoun. HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION 1.- Find the pronoun in the passage. (the line where the pronoun can be is generally stated in the question). 2.- look for nouns that come before the pronoun. 3.- read the part of the passage before the prooun carefully. 4.- eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. To get more information watch the next video:
SKILL 16: LISTEN FOR TWO AND THREE-PART VERBS These verbs are expressions that include a verb and one or more particles (surch as in, on or at); the particle changes the meaning of the verb. questions involving two-and three-part verbs can be difficult for students because the addition of the particle changes the meaning of the verb in an idiomatic way. Three-part phrasal verbs are important if you want to express yourself in English in the most natural way possible. You can use many of these verbs in both casual and formal English. For example, “The meeting lasted three hours. Now, I need to catch up on my work.” To “catch up on” is both casual and formal. It means “to do something you have not had time to do earlier.” To get more information watch the next video:
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